Multi-board view
Maria from Planyway avatar
Written by Maria from Planyway
Updated over a week ago

Planyway can help you manage cards from multiple Trello boards on one timeline or calendar. You don’t need to switch between different Trello boards anymore now that you can manage all your cards in one Planyway collection.

Add cards from other boards to your timeline or calendar

As you probably already know, you can create any number of collections in Planyway. And for each collection any number of Trello boards can be added.

Once you connect your Trello account to a collection, Planyway will prompt you to add boards. If you skip this step, you’ll be able to add boards later at any moment:

  • In the sidebar to the left, click +add board under your Trello account. Pick the boards you’d like to add to a currently opened collection.

  • You can filter cards from the connected boards to view only those assigned to you.

Planyway Multiboard Board Filter

  • Moreover, you can choose to show cards only from one board at a time.

Planyway Multiboard Board Only This Board

Schedule cards from the connected boards

Each board can have its own set of lists with cards that need to be scheduled. To switch between tasklists/board panels of the connected boards, click on the drop-down menu at the top left of the tasklist/board panel.

Planyway Multiboard Task Panel

Alternatively, when creating new cards on the timeline or calendar, you can choose which board they will be added to.

Tip: You can move cards between boards using the same drop-down menu.

Differentiate cards from the connected boards

To spot which board a card belongs to on the timeline or calendar, turn on the Board/Calendar toggle in the View parameters.

Planyway Multiboard Board Field

Group the timeline by Boards to visualize cards in the corresponding lane. Moving a card from one lane to another changes its assigned board.

Planyway Multiboard Group Boards

Tip: Select boards to visualize in the Boards’ drop-down menu to the left of the timeline.

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