Track all Jira projects in a single portfolio view

Gain full control over multiple projects with a high‑level portfolio planning

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Portfolio project

Everything you need to monitor all of your initiatives

Build portfolio roadmap

Connect any number of Jira projects you manage and visualize them all together on one timeline

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Switch from details to a high-level plan

Filter issues to see only epics and better understand your high-level goals

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Keep track of releases and milestones

Associate multiple projects with releases and highlight milestones to make sure you are on track

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Manage workload across projects

Visualize team workload across all projects to see if you have enough capacity to bring the plan into action

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Monitor real-time performance

Analyze your estimation against actual time spent with the help of time tracking to make sure you keep moving towards your goal

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Try Planyway for Jira to plan work as easy as never before

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